United States Polka Ass​ociation​
Polish Polka Music, Dancing and ​Entertainment​
History of the U. S. P. A
Witamy! Welcome to the home of the U. S. P. A.
We are an organization dedicated to Polish Polka Music and Polish Traditions.
We are based out of Cleveland, Ohio.

An Idea was Born
Chartered by the State of Connecticut as a not for profit corporation on the 28th day of December 1968, U. S. P. A. was chartered in the state of Ohio on the 27th day of April 1993.
Founder: Dick Pillar, President (1968-70); Ray Henry (1970-72); Clair E. (Woody) Collier (1972-74); Karen 'KJ' Robak (1974-80); Judy Spitak (1980-82); Allen Spitak (1982-89); Jean Wagner (1989-2002); Barb Haselow (2002 - 2021), Bob Wolinski (2022 - 2023), Cindy Fisher (2023 - Present).
Our Purpose
The purpose of this organization shall be to promote interest and participation in Polish Polka Music and Polish Traditions.
To advance the mutual interests and encourage greater cooperation among its members who are engaged in Polish Polka Entertainment.
To encourage and pursue the study of Polish Polka Music and Dancing.
Membership shall be open to any person whose ideals and purposes are in harmony with those of the U. S. P. A., and who pledges to observe and be governed by the Constitution-By-Laws and rules of the U. S. P. A.
You have the opportunity to meet other members who are involved and dedicated to make Polish Polkas the best musical movement in the United States.
Get involved - join the excitement - be an important part of the U. S. P. A, express your views and desires at meetings where your ideas may be promoted by all the members for the good of the U. S. P. A.
Communication plus knowledge plus involvement equals unity and develops the spirit and enjoyment of participation in a mass movement dedicated to the future of Polkas.
Henri Broze, Judy Spitak
September, 1974 Updated April 2003